Las Torres de Serranos is one of the two fortified gates of the medieval wall of Valencia that still remained out of the 12 original gates. The juries of Valencia entrusted the construction of the towers to the master Pere Balaguer, who was inspired by other Gothic gates with poligonal towers. The works began on April 6, 1392 and finished on 19 March, 1398.
Its main use for a long time was to serve as a defense of the city but more generally it was used for ceremonies and official entrances of the ambassadors and kings, and it was and still considered as the entrance of the downtown of the city.
In 1586, after the fire in the city, the towers were converted into a prison for nobles and knights, used as it is until 1887. This function saved the building from demolishment.
During the Spanish civil war the towers served as a depository for the works evacuated from the Prado Museum.
Currently the towers can be visited and climbed to the top, from where you have a stunning view of Valencia.
Interesting facts
- The Torres de Serranos are one of the best-preserved medieval gateways in Europe.
- They were built in the Valencian Gothic style between 1392 and 1398, and are considered to be one of the most important landmarks in Valencia.
- The towers were originally part of the city's defensive walls, and were used to protect the city from attack. They have 7 gates, which allowed people and goods to enter and exit the city.
- The towers were used as a prison for the nobility between 1586 and 1887. Some of the most famous prisoners who were held in the towers include the Duke of Gandia and the Marquis of Dos Aguas.
- The towers are now open to the public, and you can climb to the top for stunning views of the city.
- The Torres de Serranos are used for a number of official ceremonies, including the Crida, which is the opening ceremony of the Fallas festival.