Valencia getaway

Our recommendations

We kindly suggest these professionals / companies / places / .....

Our recommendations

For example on Facebook, but also in person, we often receive and see questions about various matters. For example, questions about a bookkeeper/accountant/tax advisor, Spanish lessons, the best places to go and so on.
We have listed our recommendations on this page. Use it to your advantage. We have good experiences with this. Please tell them that we forwarded you. 🙂

Profe Marta – Marta Vidal

Profe Marta We have known Marta for quite some time as a very patient and pleasant Spanish teacher. She can teach Spanish in both English and German. Do you want lessons according to a method? Possible. Do you want to learn conversation. No problem. Marta always knows how to keep the conversation going in a funny and genuinely interested way. She is very patient in her approach. She will never force or pre-empt an answer ...
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Suasoris Consultoria – Vicent Domínguez

Suasoris ConsultoríaVicent Domínguez We got to know the owner Vicent Domínguez as a smart and honest man with a lot of knowledge in the financial and tax field. His knowledge includes both Spanish and international law. His communication in English is excellent and the style of his explanations is short, powerful, but very clear. Highly recommended! Admittedly, we know everything about websites and his website could do with an overhaul. Judge Vicent by his ability ...
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Justo y Legal – Sandra Goren Brill

Justo y Legal Sandra has helped us perfectly several times in obtaining an apartment. She negotiates with the landlord/owner on behalf of the new tenant/owner and investigates the possible legal dangers. Is the landlord authorized to rent? Is the seller authorized to sell? She assesses the contracts and takes care of the necessary and maximum feasible changes to the benefit of the tenant/buyer. She does it perfectly, is very meticulous and goes for 100% certainty, ...
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Rooms / apartments to rent in Valencia

The search for housing in Valencia From our own experience we know how difficult it is to rent an apartment in Valencia as an expat. Below we give a series of reasons why access to the market in Valencia is not easy. However, it is not impossible if you follow our approach. Step by step we explain how we have always been successful when looking for accommodation in Valencia. We have found the most beautiful ...
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Working in Valencia

Work Our experience with working in Spain is that the Spaniards like to keep the work to themselves. In some vacancies, a thorough knowledge of the English language is required. Nice to apply. The first question that is then asked in a conversation is: ‘how is your proficiency in Spanish?'. That is immediately a reason not to continue the conversation. For the simpler jobs in hospitality and cleaning, competition in the job market is fierce ...
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