Working in Valencia


Our experience with working in Spain is that the Spaniards like to keep the work to themselves. In some vacancies, a thorough knowledge of the English language is required. Nice to apply. The first question that is then asked in a conversation is: ‘how is your proficiency in Spanish?'. That is immediately a reason not to continue the conversation.

For the simpler jobs in hospitality and cleaning, competition in the job market is fierce from Latin American people. They are certainly cheaper and speak fluent Spanish.

In short: as a non-Spanish and not proficient in Spanish, getting a job is a difficult task.

Coworking places

Valencia is becoming increasingly popular among digital nomads.

With a growing number of coworking spaces, affordable living costs, and a pleasant Mediterranean climate, it offers an attractive environment for remote work. The city's rich history, modern amenities, and vibrant cultural scene make it an ideal destination for those seeking both professional growth and an enriching lifestyle. Whether you're exploring its historic sites, relaxing on beautiful beaches, or indulging in local cuisine, Valencia provides a well-rounded experience for digital nomads looking to balance work and leisure.

We collected a lot of coworing places in the city.

Job opportunies for Dutch

Without wanting to be exhaustive, here is a list of possible employers for Dutch people in Valencia. These companies work for Dutch customers on the Dutch market. So they ask only for Dutch and Flemish native speakers.

Challenges in finding work in Valencia

Finding a job in Valencia as a foreigner can be an exciting endeavor, but it's important to be prepared and informed about the process. Here are some steps and tips to help you in your job search:

Work Authorization and Visas

Before you begin your job search in Valencia, ensure that you have the necessary work authorization and visas to work legally in Spain. The specific requirements may vary depending on your nationality and the type of job you're seeking. It's advisable to contact the Spanish consulate or embassy in your home country to gather accurate and up-to-date information.

Local Job Agencies

Consider reaching out to local recruitment agencies that specialize in your field. They can assist you in finding suitable job openings and guide you through the application process.

Language Skills

While it's possible to find English-speaking job opportunities in Valencia, having a strong command of Spanish will significantly enhance your job prospects. Many local employers may require Spanish proficiency, especially for positions that involve direct interaction with customers or clients.

Research Companies

Research companies that align with your skills and career goals. Identify companies that have a presence in Valencia and reach out to them directly, even if they don't have current job postings. Expressing your interest and sending an unsolicited application can sometimes lead to opportunities.

Job Search Platforms

Utilize online job search platforms and websites to explore job opportunities in Valencia. Websites like LinkedIn, Infojobs, and Glassdoor may have listings for a variety of industries and positions.

Prepare for Interviews

If you're invited for an interview, make sure to prepare thoroughly. Research the company, practice common interview questions, and be ready to discuss your skills and experiences.


Networking can be a powerful tool for finding job opportunities. Attend networking events, workshops, and seminars related to your industry to connect with professionals and potential employers. Join expat groups and online communities to gain insights and advice from fellow foreigners living and working in Valencia.

Work Culture and Etiquette

Familiarize yourself with Spanish work culture and etiquette. Punctuality is generally important, and workplace relationships can be quite formal, especially in the initial stages. Be sure to dress appropriately for interviews and work.

CV and Cover Letter

Prepare a well-crafted CV (Curriculum Vitae) and cover letter tailored to the Spanish job market. Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments. Be sure to format your CV in a way that is common and acceptable in Spain.

Patience and Perseverance

Finding a job as a foreigner may take some time, so be patient and persistent. Don't get discouraged by setbacks, and continue refining your job search strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, as an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen, you have the right to work in Valencia without a work permit. Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens may need a work visa, which typically requires a job offer before applying. Check with the Spanish consulate or embassy in your home country for specific requirements.

Start by browsing online job portals such as InfoJobs, LinkedIn, and Indeed Spain. Networking is important, so consider joining local professional groups and attending job fairs. Many jobs are also advertised in local newspapers and company websites.

While many employers prefer candidates with at least basic Spanish skills, there are opportunities for English speakers, especially in sectors like IT, tourism, and multinational companies. However, learning Spanish can greatly enhance your job prospects and daily life in Valencia.

EU/EEA/Swiss citizens need a valid passport or ID card. Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens require a work visa, which is usually obtained after receiving a job offer. You'll also need a Social Security number and may need to register at the local town hall.

Customize your CV to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Include personal details, education, work history, and languages spoken. Emphasize any international experience or language proficiency. Format your CV according to Spanish standards and consider including a professional-looking photo.

Remember, the job search process may vary based on your field, qualifications, and individual circumstances. It's important to research thoroughly, be persistent, and stay proactive in your job search in Valencia as a foreigner.

You might be interested in the followings


Profe Marta – Marta Vidal


Suasoris Consultoria – Vicent Domínguez


Justo y Legal – Sandra Goren Brill


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